When it comes to your money, be aware that there are a lot of people looking to take a piece of your wealth! You’ve got to arm yourself with knowledge and increase your financial IQ to protect assets. As you acquire more money and resources, power and leverage will begin to shift in your favor. Learn the rules of the game to score offensively and build a defense that is difficult to penetrate.
Crown Every Passing Day with Some Productive Action
It’s important to have fun, enjoy life, rejuvenate and relax, but don’t forget to always take some daily action towards your goals. Massive action is amazing, but even small steps in the right direction will get you closer to your dreams. Remember this: Small actions overtime will produce a compounding effect and are infinitely better than taking no action at all. Commit to not laying your head to rest in bed at night before doing one thing to ensure your dreams do come true.
Nothing Happens Unless First a Dream
Fear Makes the Wolf Bigger Than It Is
Our imagination is truly a powerful thing. The imagination is the workshop of our mind where we can begin to organize our thoughts, and then through proper actions we can turn our thoughts into reality. When used incorrectly, however, we can be be frozen in place by troubles that never happened. Develop the courage to become bigger than your fears. It won’t be easy, but you can use your fear as a guide to know where you need to go and grow to live the life you truly desire.
Life Shrinks or Expands According to One’s Courage
No matter what your financial goal is (or any goal for that matter), if it’s above and beyond your current circumstances, then you’ll be required to exercise courage. There’s just no way around it. Start with small acts of courage, build it up like a muscle, and work your way up to taking life changing, courageous action!
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