After a long day at work and arriving home late in the evening, I almost gave into the lazy thought of skipping a day of writing… Fortunately, I realized that I don’t have the luxury to be lazy right now. I’ve still got so far to go so I have absolutely no excuse to delay what can be done today. We’ve got to be the change we want to see, right? I choose to do the things I have not done in order to have the things I have not had.
So, instead of falling into bed and drifting aimlessly into dreamland, I’ve summoned the energy and awakened the commitment to continue moving forward on this path of creativity. This is seriously just the beginning and it’s up to me to keep up this momentum.
What are my ambitions as a writer?
I am committed to writing more on this blog (as well as others). I will get back to writing poetry, spoken word and releasing tracks. I will organize thoughts into speeches and outline powerful presentations. I will tell my story through these words. I will share what’s working for me and what’s not. I will document my failures and provide blueprints for my successes. I will single-handedly put each thought, idea, and word on the line.
I do believe that success leaves clues. It’s true that I write for myself, but I also write for You.