Major success is uncommon so you must learn to act uncommonly. Failures are satisfied with pleasing methods (i.e. taking the easy path) and then settling for whatever results they get. Successful people are influenced by pleasing results and are willing to take the difficult path to get what they desire. The easy choice when not in the mood to do something is to not do that specific thing. The more deliberate and challenging choice is to act no matter how you feel. This is what the professional does; they put in the work regardless of emotional state. They decide with their mind and their body follows.
For example, are you willing to wake up before the sun rises, even if you don’t feel like it? The easy answer is to say no and claim that you are not a morning person; the easy choice is to stay in bed. In contrast, it takes a specific willingness to get up out of your comfortably warm bed even when you don’t feel like it. The ability to make yourself spark that activation energy to get out of bed is the same type of energy you need to make yourself go to the gym, to make that important call, or to start writing.
Successful people don’t like doing the same things that failures don’t like to do, but the difference is that they still do what needs to be done in order to obtain their objectives. It’s a deliberate choice backed by a burning desire and purpose. What are you wiling to do?
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